Pagan PA'GAN, noun [Latin paganus, a peasant or countryman, from pagus, a village.] A heathen; a Gentile; an idolater; one who worships false gods. This word was originally applied to the inhabitants of the country.
Do you know anyone who is not a member of a country? Me neither.
Do you know anyone who is not a Pagan? Me neither ..... from the mind of Marcus.
Do you know anyone who is not a member of a country? Me neither.
Do you know anyone who is not a Pagan? Me neither ..... from the mind of Marcus.
Anthem AN'THEM, noun [Greek, against, and, a hymn, from, to sing. See Hymn.]
Hymn HYMN, n. hym. [Latin hymnus; Greek; hum.] A song or ode in honor of God, and among pagans, in honor of some deity.
Just thought you might want to know who you are singing to ...... from the mind of Marcus.
Hymn HYMN, n. hym. [Latin hymnus; Greek; hum.] A song or ode in honor of God, and among pagans, in honor of some deity.
Just thought you might want to know who you are singing to ...... from the mind of Marcus.
Patriot PAT'RIOT, noun [French patriote, from Latin patria, one's native country, from pater, father.]
The rule of law is based on the Father-Son relationship.
Whose your Daddy? ....... from the mind of Marcus.
The rule of law is based on the Father-Son relationship.
Whose your Daddy? ....... from the mind of Marcus.