"Completing my Journey"
In 2012, after all my birds were taken, I was held in custody for 10 days. After that I engaged a lawyer to see if I could get him to tell the Court it has no jurisdiction over me or my property. Of course it took some time for this lawyer to grasp what I was showing and telling him but in the end he could not and would not.
So, in 2013 I went to the preliminary hearing regarding the charges or they would just put me back in jail. I was asked if I had any questions for the witnesses and said no to each, until the last witness who was chief detective in this case.
I simply asked him who "owned" the plants which he tore out of the ground and took away to be destroyed. He said, I did. He said I was the owner and said this under oath. Well this contradicts the Attorney General Office that told me I do not own anything. You see, the cop, the prosecutor and even the Judge in a Superior Court does not know this.
So, I went back home and planted seeds again in 2014 because I do not have to answer to anyone regarding something I own, and we have this on the record and under oath. In 2014 no one came and I grew plants all over my property again including the front lawn. You would have to be blind not to see them.
I am starting to think they must now realize I have no legal existence, as a year earlier I had developed an inguinal hernia. This is a rip in the inner skin that hold your intestine in place. I had to wear a strap to hold it in as it becomes painful and could become strangulated causing death. I did this for 3 years before going to see a doctor. I found one that would operate but when I got to the hospital for the operation, the Chief of Surgery approached me and said they would not do it.
While I am on the topic of what I endured, I also could not get any dental care. From 2006 to 2018, I had no health care at all. As my teeth deteriorated and became infected I just endured the pain until I pulled them myself.
So now in 2014 I am thinking they must of figured out what I was doing because I never showed up for a trial after the preliminary hearing and they knew exactly where I was. Two years go by now, and then in August of 2015 at 4:30 am in the night, a helicopter comes over the house, a huge truck with lights flashing drives through and breaks my front gate, a battering ram breaks down my front door and frame and ends up in the living room. Over a loud speaker I am told to come out of the house. As I walk outside, I see dogs on leashes and a dozen machine guns pointed at me.
To keep this story brief, I am held for two months and then in 2017 go to trial. When the charges are read formally to me for a plea, I reply with, "I AM NOT HE". Which is a totally true statement but they are in total ignore mode now. I will explain this during the live webinars.
So, now I am in a situation where no one knows what I know and I will only come across as a weird guy to the jury. So I played their game. After a 6 day trial the jury came back within 20 minutes, "Not Guilty". This of course stunned the cops, the prosecutor and especially the Judge who did not look happy. I even admitted to possessing everything they said I had during the trial.
The local newspaper would not believe I was found not guilty until I sent them the written verdict. Reluctantly they printed this:
So, in 2013 I went to the preliminary hearing regarding the charges or they would just put me back in jail. I was asked if I had any questions for the witnesses and said no to each, until the last witness who was chief detective in this case.
I simply asked him who "owned" the plants which he tore out of the ground and took away to be destroyed. He said, I did. He said I was the owner and said this under oath. Well this contradicts the Attorney General Office that told me I do not own anything. You see, the cop, the prosecutor and even the Judge in a Superior Court does not know this.
So, I went back home and planted seeds again in 2014 because I do not have to answer to anyone regarding something I own, and we have this on the record and under oath. In 2014 no one came and I grew plants all over my property again including the front lawn. You would have to be blind not to see them.
I am starting to think they must now realize I have no legal existence, as a year earlier I had developed an inguinal hernia. This is a rip in the inner skin that hold your intestine in place. I had to wear a strap to hold it in as it becomes painful and could become strangulated causing death. I did this for 3 years before going to see a doctor. I found one that would operate but when I got to the hospital for the operation, the Chief of Surgery approached me and said they would not do it.
While I am on the topic of what I endured, I also could not get any dental care. From 2006 to 2018, I had no health care at all. As my teeth deteriorated and became infected I just endured the pain until I pulled them myself.
So now in 2014 I am thinking they must of figured out what I was doing because I never showed up for a trial after the preliminary hearing and they knew exactly where I was. Two years go by now, and then in August of 2015 at 4:30 am in the night, a helicopter comes over the house, a huge truck with lights flashing drives through and breaks my front gate, a battering ram breaks down my front door and frame and ends up in the living room. Over a loud speaker I am told to come out of the house. As I walk outside, I see dogs on leashes and a dozen machine guns pointed at me.
To keep this story brief, I am held for two months and then in 2017 go to trial. When the charges are read formally to me for a plea, I reply with, "I AM NOT HE". Which is a totally true statement but they are in total ignore mode now. I will explain this during the live webinars.
So, now I am in a situation where no one knows what I know and I will only come across as a weird guy to the jury. So I played their game. After a 6 day trial the jury came back within 20 minutes, "Not Guilty". This of course stunned the cops, the prosecutor and especially the Judge who did not look happy. I even admitted to possessing everything they said I had during the trial.
The local newspaper would not believe I was found not guilty until I sent them the written verdict. Reluctantly they printed this:
Ex-falconer from Tottenham found not guilty on drug charges
Trial held for large-scale pot seizures at 2nd Line property
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The property owner of the former falconry centre near Tottenham has been found not guilty on drug production charges that stemmed from large-scale pot seizures at his 2nd Line property in 2012 and 2015.
He was handed a not-guilty verdict during a trial by jury held Oct. 17 at the Superior Court of Justice in Barrie. Simcoe.com did not attend the court hearing, but verified the decision with the court clerk’s office, the OPP and through certified documentation.
The accused, who represented himself at the trial, was arrested and charged under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act after police found 950 marijuana plants worth nearly $500,000 at the property July 4, 2012.
The falconry centre has not operated for several years, but was once a popular destination for tourists and schoolchildren in the 1990s.
Tags: Local News, Crime, News
Trial held for large-scale pot seizures at 2nd Line property
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The property owner of the former falconry centre near Tottenham has been found not guilty on drug production charges that stemmed from large-scale pot seizures at his 2nd Line property in 2012 and 2015.
He was handed a not-guilty verdict during a trial by jury held Oct. 17 at the Superior Court of Justice in Barrie. Simcoe.com did not attend the court hearing, but verified the decision with the court clerk’s office, the OPP and through certified documentation.
The accused, who represented himself at the trial, was arrested and charged under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act after police found 950 marijuana plants worth nearly $500,000 at the property July 4, 2012.
The falconry centre has not operated for several years, but was once a popular destination for tourists and schoolchildren in the 1990s.
Tags: Local News, Crime, News
When you understand what is really happening in this world, you will know that a guilty or not guilty verdict meant nothing to me, I have still not succeeded.
A few months later I get the following email:
Dear Sir:
I am an Associate Professor at Concordia University in Montreal and a co-chercheuse at CEFIR and I heard about your remarkable and unprecedented victory in court.
We are organizing a small one-day symposium on the Freemen-on-the Land movement in Canada at the Department of Theology at Concordia University on May 4. 2018. I thought it would be interesting if you would attend and present a paper on your legal strategies and philosophy.
Another possibility is that I could interview you ..........we could pay for your travel expenses and for two nights accommodation in Montreal and you could join us for supper after the symposium.
Hope to hear from you,
Susan J. Palmer, Ph. D.
I never responded to this email as Vanity is not a trait that controls me. But again, it indicated that even the best legal minds were baffled by what I was doing.
A few months later I get the following email:
Dear Sir:
I am an Associate Professor at Concordia University in Montreal and a co-chercheuse at CEFIR and I heard about your remarkable and unprecedented victory in court.
We are organizing a small one-day symposium on the Freemen-on-the Land movement in Canada at the Department of Theology at Concordia University on May 4. 2018. I thought it would be interesting if you would attend and present a paper on your legal strategies and philosophy.
Another possibility is that I could interview you ..........we could pay for your travel expenses and for two nights accommodation in Montreal and you could join us for supper after the symposium.
Hope to hear from you,
Susan J. Palmer, Ph. D.
I never responded to this email as Vanity is not a trait that controls me. But again, it indicated that even the best legal minds were baffled by what I was doing.
I just realized I have no pictures for this part of my story. LOL.
So here is a picture of my dog named Hogan. He is all I have left and is my only friend.
So here is a picture of my dog named Hogan. He is all I have left and is my only friend.
Back to the story,
From 2006 until 2020, I am trying to keep my family and children as normal as possible. I also told everyone who attended the few Webinars in 2014 to continue your life as you know it. There is no point in everyone being persecuted, robbed and made destitute. This is a journey I needed to do alone.
I survived to this day with the help of a friend who provided me with the necessities of life and no more. I am not one to whine, but what I had to endure physically and emotionally and what it cost me is immeasurable. I did keep track of what I lost (STOLEN) in property and income over these 14 years and it is just under 4.5 million dollars.
I have to tell you though, this is the best and most important thing I have done in my life, and I have no regrets. It is only by completing my journey did I get the answer as to what I must now do. I am going to share and teach you the most simple concepts which are simple when you see them, but almost impossible to grasp because of the things already in your mind.
Then and only then will you understand what you should now do. You may ask, How do I know if I can transform your mind? Because I have done it already with one man named John.
Please click "HERE" to return to "My Story" page and listen to the short video provided by John.
Till then ...... my name is Marcus !